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Top frequently asked questions

Yes, the Smooth Skin Gold is suitable for use on the bikini line area. However, SmoothSkin Gold has not been clinically tested on the pubic areas. Do not use the device directly on the genitals or around the anus. These areas may have a darker skin colour and so to avoid injury they should not be treated.

No, it is not necessary to wear eye protection when using SmoothSkin Gold.  The system is also fitted with a safety feature to prevent firing into the air. However, you should never attempt to fire on to or close to the eye itself.

Yes. However, we would advise you take care as exposure to sunlight increases skin sensitivity. We would recommend the use of a UV sun protection cream after treatment. We recommend that you allow at least 7 days before or after treatments.

Remember the SmoothSkin Gold has 120,000 flashes, this should be enough to stay silky smooth for up to 6 years!  There is no replacement lamp or refurbishment service on the new device.

The unique ‘Detect and Set’ Skin Tone Sensor feature ensures optimal safety and efficacy.

When the Skin Tone Sensors are placed on the treatment area the blue light emitted by the Sensors is reflected back from your skin. The device then detects the reflected light and uses it to calculate your skin tone and the appropriate setting for you to use.

Not usually, a slight tingling or a warm sensation is generally what most people feel. However, the sensation varies from person to person. People with coarse, dark hair may experience an initial sensation similar to that felt by the gentle flick of an elastic band.  If you do find it uncomfortable you can select the Gentle Mode to allow you to get used to the experience.  See the User Guide for details.

The key differences between the old SmoothSkin models and the new SmoothSkin Gold are:

a) Faster than previous devices – no fuss with gel and the flash rate is the quickest in the market (between under 1 and 2 seconds)

b) Safer and more effective – the unique automated Skin Tone Sensor system (called Detect and Set) which means the right level energy is sent to the right part of your body on every flash. Previous devices required you to check the skin tone of the area you are treating- the new device does this for you- every time you flash, which means it is safer and more effective.

c) Even better value for money- the amount of flashes the device now provides 120,000 (previous devices provided 10,000/ 20,000/ 50,000 and 100,000 flashes).


Yes it is suitable for men.  However, we do not recommend using IPL to remove the male beard.  Results here would be limited due to the thickness, density and depth of male beard hair and can cause an adverse reaction.  It is most usually used on the neck line around the collar of a shirt, chest and back areas for men.

Yes.  Clinical trials have shown that SmoothSkin Gold produces permanent results.  In one trial, 94% of women experienced visible, permanent hair reduction. To get the best results, you must ensure you use the device for an initial period of 12 weeks, then just once a month afterwards for continuously hair free skin.

Yes. A number of clinically approved trials have proven that when used properly, you will see significant permanent hair reduction. Check out our Results page for before and after pictures.

The Clinical trials received fantastic results – In one study, 94% of trialists said they would use SmoothSkin Gold for the removal of their unwanted hair and 96% said they would recommend to a friend.

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