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As for ALL home-use IPL or laser treatments (don’t believe anyone who would tell you otherwise), one treatment won’t last forever. You will need to keep treating the hairs every once in a while to avoid hair growth starting up again.


Of course, everyone’s length of treatment is different (because we all have different skin, hair, lifestyle… even genetics play a role!) so once you complete the initial treatment period it’s mostly up to you to define what is the right regime for you. The great thing is that SmoothSkin devices will prevent hair regrowth as long as you keep treating regularly, so as long as you keep up with your treatments you’ll never have to experience stubbly legs or underarms again. Hoorah!

Interesting fact! Hair grows in 3 distinct and consecutive phases, and not all hairs are in the same phase at any one time. Because the IPL treatment is only effective in one particular phase (the Anagen ‘growth phase’ – since you ask), you should follow your treatment regime until you see the desired results. By following the recommended regime, you’re likely to zap any hairs you missed in previous treatments. Simple science!

Interesting fact! Hair grows in 3 distinct and consecutive phases, and not all hairs are in the same phase at any one time. IPL treatment is only effective in one particular phase (the Anagen ‘growth phase’ – since you ask), so in the first few weeks following your initial treatments, you will still see some hairs growing. Relax! These will likely be the hairs that were not treated in their growth phase (when IPL is most effective) so be sure to keep up with the treatments! Within 4 weeks, you should be seeing a reduction in hair regrowth. There will still be some hairs that need treating as you need to catch each hair in the right phase, but don’t worry, things will only get better from here on in – so keep it up!

If you need any help or have any questions contact us, we’ll be happy to help.

First let’s talk about what NOT to expect. As for ALL home-use IPL or laser treatments (don’t believe anyone who would tell you otherwise), one treatment won’t last forever. You will need to keep treating the hairs every once in a while to avoid hair growth starting up again; but the great thing is that SmoothSkin devices will prevent hair regrowth as long as you keep treating regularly, so as long as you keep up with your treatments you’ll never have to experience stubbly legs or underarms again. Hoorah!

Yes. A number of clinical trials have proven that when used properly, IPL gives significant permanent hair reduction. To get the best results, it’s super important that you follow the prescribed treatment regime.


Read the latest reviews to hear what people just like you have said about SmoothSkin products.

SmoothSkin devices use Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to break the hair cycle and prevent regrowth.

Light energy is transferred through the skin’s surface and absorbed by melanin present in the hair shaft. That light energy is converted to heat energy (below the surface of the skin), which stops the pesky hairs from growing back. Treated hairs naturally fall out over the course of a few days to 1-2 weeks.

Once you’ve completed the initial treatment period you will need to keep up with regular top-ups, but the great thing is that SmoothSkin devices will prevent hair regrowth as long as you keep treating regularly, so as long as you keep up with your treatments you’ll never have to experience stubbly legs or underarms again. Hoorah!

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